Communication Skills

Leadership is most clearly demonstrated by communicating – presentations, speeches, media interviews, written materials.

It’s tempting to view leadership as the purview of a senior executive. Or think it only truly surfaces during major events, such as a crisis, product launch or major corporate transition.

But that’s only part of the story. Leaders can emerge at any age, career stage or situation:

  • when a meeting is run effectively
  • developing and delivering a presentation to colleagues, management, sales prospects, customers, subordinates or community groups
  • speaking to the press about a trend, product launch or corporate initiative

I will help you become a better leader. My 35 years of experience in marketing communications, public relations, print and broadcast media will help you effectively develop and deliver your ideas.

Corporations I’ve worked for include:

  • Chevron
  • Electronic Arts
  • IBM
  • McDonald’s
  • San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
  • Sony
  • United Way
  • Yahoo!

“Joel Drucker’s skill set is rare. His longstanding experience as a consultant is invaluable, largely because he understands the nuances required for working with senior management. Joel assesses the working style of each executive, and then personally tailors his strategic plan for them so that it immediately helps the executive and provides a targeted roadmap for future communications.”
— Jennifer Jones, CEO Jennifer Jones & Partners, creator & host/Marketing Voices podcast

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